Attack Spec: “Zeal” (10% chance of dealing 90% more DMG).General Skills: “Soaring Flash Rond” (this lowers target DEF by -12%, which enables you to deal more damage.

Masteries (all masteries must be at least Orange type): I have reached capped CDMG, there is no need to apply any more CDMG.
Aura kingdom tachi build full#

But with the gear we have (Lordswrath/Perfect War/Nalani’s), your CDMG should already be capped.

Which means in any given dungeon, monsters will take x% less damage than the flat damage you inflict. Unlike gold gear, which lacks detail damage, orange gear can counter damage reduction found in dungeons. Orange gear is the most useful in dungeons because of the detail damage it contains.Delfonia’s Exquisite Earrings (Char lv.95 or above).Guzigla’s Bloodied Tooth (below char lv.95).80 or Lv.70 Dual Drive Weapon Enchantment Cards. Lava Stones in your Tachi and Shuriken with at least DMG 2%.Gear and Costume Enchantment Cards (details discussed later in the guide).Reroll these stones from the Tachi class merchant at the PvP area in Navea. These must have at least DMG 2% in each stone. Secret stones have to be in each piece of your gear (head, body, feet, hands, and waist).Nocturnal Cored Orange Nalani’s Storm Shuriken Ideal % is 125-130% (for char lvl.90 or above.).Destroyer Cored Orange Nalani’s Storm Tachi Ideal % is 125-130% (for char lvl.90 or above.).Nocturnal Cored Orange Ghodroon Storm Shuriken Ideal % is 125-130% (for char lvl.80-89).Destroyer Cored Orange Ghodroon Storm Tachi Ideal % is 125-130% (for char lvl.80-89).Lordswrath’s Armor top and bottom set (Be sure to make the body of your armor dark element, this can deal more damage to dark element mobs, which is the majority in most dungeons.).if it does do that, it will give you some time for your pots or bard HoT to heal your hp on dire situations. but I haven't tested it yet cause I dont have it anymore so I am not really sure, you seem to have it at the moment, you can try :D. I dont know about the combo, I gave it up early and reset my envoy because of its high CD and long animation so I dont really know if they're any good, but just recently, I read (a newbie a the time when I still have combos ) that combo is like eido's ultimate, it makes you invulnerable to incoming dmg during the animation thats why it's popular on pvp. The problem I'm facing with using my soul storm vs a large mob of mons is that my target tend to die very fast, so you have to be fast on switching targets, it relies too much on noc. but If you have a noc subweap, you'll enjoy it. The only thing that everyone hates in soulstorm is it makes them laggy. If you cant afford the core yet, go get a Blue subweapon, even lvl 58 nocturnal blue weapons costs less than 20g.